
频道:宏观研究 日期: 浏览:0


In a country of 400 languages and over a dozen writing scripts, it’s important to carefully consider which ones to use.


Most Indic scripts have their own numeral system, and numbers can be written in numerous ways.


This is where the design of Professor Anil Sinha of the National Institute of Design came into play.

这就是国家设计学院Anil Sinha发挥作用的地方。


In addition to using Arab-Indic numerals to indicate their denominations, the simple 1, 2 and 5 rupee coins featured pictures of hands showing the appropriate number of fingers.

除了使用阿拉伯-印度数字表示其面额外,简单的 1、2 和 5卢比硬币还带有显示适当手指数量的手的图片。

Unfortunately these coins, which have been in circulation since 2007, are currently being replaced by a new edition, dropping the finger-counting and displaying the new rupee currency symbol ₹.

不幸的是,这些自2007年开始流通的硬币目前正在被新版本取代,不再采用手指计数,而是显示新的卢比货币符号 ₹。

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本文地址: http://www.lyw520.com/hgyj/43057.html
文章来源: demi
印度硬币兑换人民币吗(印度钱币硬币)文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
关键词: scripts rupee 数字