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While online cats might seem a bit unserious as the progenitors of a massive artistic revolution, people were buying these cats for the same reasons that anybody buys fine art. The images were nice to look at. Buying them was fun. You could make money from them because you were purchasing an appreciating asset. It was a way to show that you were “in the know” and “cultured” (or at least “online cultured”). And it was a way of expressing your interests while supporting artists financially. CryptoKitties also showed one of the defining and revolutionary features of NFT art in that it was accessible to collectors at almost any level of wealth. The most modestly priced CryptoKitty NFTs started at just $12.


Sensing (correctly) that these cat NFTs were just the opening notes in the great symphony of collectible digital art, developers quickly set to work creating online marketplaces where NFTs could be bought and sold—and where artists new to the space could have their creations turned into NFTs. In 2018, a number of NFT marketplaces such as SuperRare, OpenSea, Nifty Gateway, and MakersPlace, were up and running.

谜恋猫NFT只是可收藏数字艺术的开胃菜,见地到这一点后,开拓者们疾速投入到开拓线上交易平台中,在这些平台上,NFT可以被买卖,新兴艺术家也可以将他们的作品铸形成NFT。在2018年,少量的NFT交易平台,如SuperRare, OpenSea, Nifty Gateway和 MakersPlace开端兴起。

In most cases, these NFT marketplaces make money by taking a percentage of each NFT sold. In return, they get the NFTs in front of the eyes of buyers, and facilitate the transactions.


With the rise of these online marketplaces, even more players started to get in the game. Literally. One of the most prominent entities to join the NFT space after CryptoKitties was the NBA’s official platform for selling game highlights—NBA Top Shot. In its first half-year operation, NBA Top Shot has done approximately $400 million in business!

随着这些NFT交易平台的兴起,更多的玩家开始进入这场游戏。在谜恋猫之后,最一般的NFT玩家就是NBA官方,将Top Shot作为NFT售卖。在前半年的运营中,NBA Top Shot赚了4亿美元!

The success of NBA Top Shot is important because it showed that a community of fans who might not be tech-inclined would take the steps to become so if it meant they could engage with their favorite sport in an exciting new way. Another, similar example would be the rock band Kings of Leon releasing an album in early 2021 as an audio NFT. Their fans were willing to make the leap to NFT, and the album made millions of dollars for the band.

NBA Top Shot的胜利很次要,由于这说明,一个并不懂技术的社群粉丝可以和他们热衷的活动有了新的互动方式。另外,摇滚乐队里昂王族 在2021年终公布音频NFT。他们的粉丝也十分甘愿参与NFT,这张唱片卖了数百万美金。

The story of the journey from blockchain to NFTs can also be seen in the way we’re watching NFTs change the nature of art collecting as a financial venture—especially when it comes to how works can be resold. To cite just one prominent example, a group of art collectors calling themselves Metapurse purchased twenty NFT artworks by Beeple in January of 2021. They then fractionalized their ownership of the works into tokens, and then they made those tokens available for sale to the public. Thousands of people bought them. Going by the value of the tokens at the time of this writing, the twenty works of art have now increased in value approximately six-fold.

从区块链到NFT之旅,也能在NFT作为艺术品是如何被二次售卖的表现进去。在一个模范的案例中,艺术品投资基金Metapurse 在2021年1月购入了Beeple的20幅NFT作品。他们把这些作品的一切权合成为代币的一切权,并面向群众售卖。数以千计的用户买入了它们。直到我写这本书的时分,这20幅作品的价值已经逾越了原价的6倍。

Try doing that with a Rembrandt.


Everyone’s getting into the act. Bhad Bhabie, a.k.a. the “Cash Me Outside” girl, has auctioned 20 NFTs based on her famous meme.

每团体都参与进来,被大众称为“进去单挑”的女孩 Bhad Bhabie,已经拍卖了她的20个NFT作品。

So now, we’re at this point where there seems to be endless opportunity and continual innovation as we see blockchain connecting in new ways with the technology.


At least for the moment, there appears to be an endless appetite for NFT products. And even fan bases that may not be “into tech” are proving willing to take the leap to get to NFTs. But with this success comes legitimate questions about where NFTs will go next.


Artists are constantly experimenting with new forms of art that can be created virtually. Developers are thinking about what else can be sold virtually (or sold as an NFT). For example, there is a booming market in virtual NFT real estate. You might not be able to own a mansion in real life, but now users can purchase one in a virtual world. We’re also seeing collectors scramble to figure out the best ways to exhibit their NFTs. Businesses are doing this too as they wish to develop and launch their own unique NFT products. And when you have a product, you want to get it in front of the eyes of your customers. But who are your customers and how are they going to find your NFTs? That’s what we’re still figuring out.


From this evolving landscape, a solid piece of wisdom has already emerged: Don’t bet against NFTs. People who said that NFTs would remain small and niche were wrong.


Those who claimed that only people who worked in the tech industry would ever purchase NFTs were also demonstrably incorrect. And those who claimed that NFTs “might be well and good for the unwashed tech-proletariat” but “we’ll never see those things being sold by the great auction houses for millions of dollars?” You guessed it; also wrong.


What walls are NFTs going to break through next? While nobody can predict the future for certain, in this book we’ll identify top candidates for places that NFTs will probably take off next.


And one day, far in the future, in a marketplace where NFTs are so common they hardly raise an eyebrow, we may look back in amusement knowing that it seems to have all started with collectible digital cats.


关于NFT游戏的发展进程引见和游戏NFT的引见到此就终了了,不知道你从中找到你需求的音讯了吗 ?假设你还想了解更多这方面的音讯,记得收藏关心本站。

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文章来源: 小美
NFT游戏的发展历程介绍(游戏NFT)文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
关键词: nft nfts art