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Sichuan Mint makes two hundred COINS with double flags. Inside the ring on the front of the coin, there is the word "two hundred characters". Inside the ring, the wheat is surrounded at the bottom. In the middle of the coin, the two flags are crossed. The flagstaff is in a twisted carcanet. The two flags stand erect inside the ring. This kind of coin according to its back of the flag design, there are straight tasseled, qu Tasseled the difference, this sichuan coin factory makes two hundred articles belong to qu Tasseled double flag.


Double flag two hundred copper COINS are not produced by a single foundry, so the format is correspondingly more. There are only a few dozen distinct layouts. Double flag two hundred bronze COINS can be divided into two types according to the coin back crossing double flag pendent tassel, tassel vertical pendent, with "straight tassel plate"; Flag tassel around flagpole pendent, commonly known as "qu Tassel plate".


The double flag coin originated in the Republic of China. After the abdication of the Qing Emperor in 1911, the Republic of China was proclaimed. Sun Yat-sen, the forerunner of China's democratic revolution, proposed in the "Provisional Presidential Decree" that "a new mold should be issued and the commemorative COINS should be cast". Subsequently, two mints in Wuchang and Nanjing took the lead in casting the commemorative COINS of the founding of the Republic of China (ROC), mainly the copper COINS with ten denominations. In 1914, the copper coin was officially renamed "copper coin". The biggest difference between the Copper coin issued by the Republic of China and the Qing Dynasty is that the dragon grain was replaced by golden grain composed of rice ears. For most of the provinces of casting copper coin fork flag pattern, and has the "founding COINS" or "coin of the republic of China" in henan province made double flag COINS, is famous for scarce degree, the coin guaranteed CangJie for its only a sparse and everyone's precious, and also because of its abnormal manufacturing exquisite and everyone's favor. In China's modern silver coin, it is a long enjoyed a good reputation.

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本文地址: http://www.lyw520.com/baikezhishi/30265.html
文章来源: 小美
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关键词: coin coins flag